Mystical Memes From the Mystic

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Donating One of Your Presents

The season of Christmas is just peeking around the corner as websites and blogs are preparing for their written material or photographs to display proudly to their viewers and readers. Most display this material for purposes of sharing and spirit; then merely trying to obtain more views from the Christmas keyword searching that has the search engines working overtime.

This year I wanted to express an idea of gift giving to the poor that will bond family and friends closer. It will also allow those living in poverty to receive a fine gift and a smile Christmas morning. How many of us have plenty and receive plenty on Christmas day? Giving up one gift from one friend or family member can make a huge difference.

I am suggesting this year to speak to your family, friends and even your children (if they are old enough to understand charity), to sacrifice one gift you would be receiving and donating it to charity. This simple yet charitable act can make a world of difference to a family, a battered woman, or a child who would not have received a gift if you did not donate it.

This would be the appropriate timing to speak to your friends, family and coworkers and let them know that you would like the gift they usually buy you to be bought for someone else instead. Guaranteed you probably receive other gifts from other people. Choosing one friend or one family member out of many people who give you gifts you would normally be receiving, should not be any type of hardship.

May God bless this journey of donating one of your usual gifts to a needy person instead.

Christmas Series Vol 1